About Us
Kokomo, Indiana, is located in the center of the state about 50 miles north of Indianapolis. The NSDAR is a lineage society dedicated to historic preservation, education and patriotism. Membership eligibility requires proof of a blood descent from a Revolutionary War Patriot. We are available to assist women interested in becoming a member of our society.
Our chapter was organized on April 15, 1905 and named for an American Revolutionary ancestor of the organizing regent, Mrs. Nannie L. Ross. September 2, 1905, the General James Cox Chapter became the 20th chapter to be issued a Charter in Indiana. April 16, 2005, the 100th anniversary was celebrated at the Seiberling Mansion and Elliott House. The Indiana General Assembly honored the 100th anniversary and Mayor Matt McKillip declared "General James Cox DAR Day in Kokomo." Flag Day 2007, the chapter honored the organizing regent with a ceremony at her grave in Crown Point Cemetery.