
Becoming A Member of the Daughters of the American Revolution

Any woman is eligible for membership who is no less than eighteen years of age and can prove lineal, blood line descent from an ancestor who aided in achieving American independence. She must provide documentation for each statement of birth, marriage, and death. General James Cox Chapter hosts genealogy workshops annually in October and May, where Daughters are available to assist with the research and application processes. Contact our VIS contact, any chapter member or the genealogy department at the Kokomo-Howard County library. Also, some members will work one-on-one to assist individuals.

Admission to membership in the NSDAR is either by invitation through a chapter in your state organization or Unit Overseas. No chapter may discriminate against an applicant on the basis of race or creed.

Additional information may be found on the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution website.

General James Cox Chapter installed new member Mary Lou Stephenson's on November 12, 2019.